Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Report card day(eek)

Yesterday my report card from school arrived at my house.Like always, i was crapin' my sel. About 100 things where going through my head at the time like, What are my parents going to think and will they be dissapointed, you know the stuff that goes through every kids mind. So my mom called and i said can i open the report and read it to you(lessens the pressure) so i did. When i opened it i was soon to find that it was full of nice comments and praise. My mom said hey nose was going all stingy( in happyness). So what a relief, it was a great report, until it struck me that i knew that i would be getting one next ye, will be as good as my last......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

report card day....congratulations on sailing through, george! i used to get threatened with my dad's shaking fist. (he never popped me, though.) hated school, hated homework, hated report card day. i couldn't wait to grow up and get out of SCHOOL! they never told me about JOBS, though. jobs are very similar, but they pay you if you show up. school didn't. so look on the bright side!

12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Horray!!

Congratulations George!

Aunt Sally

10:38 AM

Blogger swimmin in south carolina said...

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3:31 PM

Blogger swimmin in south carolina said...

hey congrats!
its nice to know there are more twelve year olds out there.

3:32 PM

Anonymous Iana said...

that's good, getting As is a lot better than Bs :3 keep it up!

5:00 AM


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