Monday, October 15, 2007

Bad Owie

On Sunday, we were in a hurry for Mass because we were late. So in the car park I was out....slammed the door and left my finger in the car. I turned around to see that my finger had been crushed in the door. After, i was in a mahoosive amount of pain and my nail was black with blood and a huge gash in my finger. I wanted to go straight to the hospital, like you should but my mom wanted to go home first and tell my dad and phone NHS (which was a complete waste of time because they just said go straight to the hospital).
Arriving at the hospital, the pain wasn't so bad because my mom gave me some super-duper drugs. But don't get me wrong, it still hurt!
So at the hospital, I got x-rayed and all that. And then they said that they was allot of pressure underneath my nail. So they got a really hot metal thingy and pierced my nail. That was one of the most painful things through all this. They went to far and burnt my flesh underneath. I could smell burning. :-( . All the blood rushed out and its still oozing as I type and I don't know how long it will ooze before it stops...A day later, I've gone through 6 bandage/plaster thingies and it the accident left a massive flap of skin which i freak out my parents with. hehe. The reason why it is so blurry is that my mom refused to take a photo of "it" so i had to peel it with one hand and take the photo with the other! (pretty good photo considering it was with one hand!) If you look closely around the "flap" you will see it is all blue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor you! If you hold your hand above your head for a while it can ease the pain. I felt bad for you when you said that they burned through to your flesh; but I think it will mean that you won't lose the nail. I truly hope that the pain diappears very soon for you.

8:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh poor bunny! I'm so sorry that happened. I hope you feel better soon.

12:40 PM

Blogger mrs k said...

Get Mom to buy your some arnica tablets - they will help to relieve the bruising that is coming your way.

You only do it once and then your brain remembers to move your hand away - I know I have been there once always - and my brain still remembers 35 years or so later.

Hope you are enjoying your new palatial quarters.

12:55 PM

Blogger Jay said...

Very cool dude!

4:04 PM

Blogger Dogbait said...

Blood and guts. I love it! I crushed my finger once and used a drill and when the drill bit hit the quick that wasn't so much fun though but the relief when the pressure came off was great.

3:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch and Yuk.

Sometimes you just wish that you had heeded someones warning about not looking.

Hope its better soon.


8:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering whether there was Language.

2:29 PM

Blogger George said...

davey-yes, you could hear it from speeece

8:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drove into the car park right on the moment of the language!!! Having seen the colour of George's face I knew it was something serious! Just back from a break in Spain and didn't ever hear what the outcome of the finger was. Lucky I knew of this blog to see the gore! Hope to see you at 10.30am if you make it George x

12:57 AM

Blogger Nixo said...

very, very, bad owie

2:40 AM

Blogger FrozenMaiden said...

that's bad. better put antiseptics to it.

5:02 AM


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